Meryl Streep once said, “My advice: Don’t waste so much time worrying about your skin or your weight. Develop what you do, what you put your hands on in the world.”
For most people, this can work but, probably not for people who have severe to noticeable cases of acne.
It’s just that hard to come forward clean and confident when your face literally does not support the positive self-esteem that you want to convey.
What Is Acne?
Acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged.
Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the skin.
Why Women Get Acne?
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, an estimated 50 million Americans are affected annually by acne.
In women, acne is driven by the following factors:
Hormonal Changes: Puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and other conditions that affect hormones
Stress: Disturbs the natural balance of hormones in the body
Medications: Including birth control pills
Hormones: Overactive oil glands were probably inherited from parents
Unhealthy Lifestyle: Wrong food choices and lack of exercise
Poor Hygiene: Including incorrect skincare products and routines
Exposure To Polluted Environment: Dirt, dust, pollens and smoke all contribute to skin infection
The Many Types Of Acne
Other than the many factors triggering acne breakouts, the many different types of acne further complicate treatment of this condition.
Below lists the 6 type of acne:
1. Whitehead

Whitehead – Image/Shutterstock
This is formed from infected pores but where the infection is kept enclosed by skin or hair from surfacing.
Exfoliating should clear your skin.
2. Blackhead
This forms just like whiteheads do but, it pops out of the skin.
Oxidation causes it to appear black. Exfoliating should clear your skin.
3. Nodule

Nodule – Image/Shutterstock
These start out as a really painful spot on your face. Slowly, a swollen bump appears.
It will heal on its own when left alone but, because it can be very painful, and normal healing takes several weeks, it may have to be treated early.
You can try using Solvaderm Zeroblem Acne Treatment Serum Professional Strength, US $34, made from the combination of colloidal sulfur, zinc oxide[1] and salicylic acid.
Combined, these ingredients clear skin from impurities including dead skin and excess oils, lessening the probability of skin infections.
4. Papules
These appear like whiteheads but are locked underneath the skin.
Unlike whiteheads, papules cannot be eliminated by squeezing out the oil.
Hygienic pricking and deep exfoliation will be necessary to eliminate these.
5. Pustule

Pustule – Image/Shutterstock
These are accompanied by swelling and redness on the infected spot.
A bump rapidly rises to the surface.
It is further characterized by a white cap and usually an eye.
The bump is filled with pus and blood.
It often just heals on its own when left alone.
6. Cysts
The infection happens deep in the skin and infection can happen from underneath or on the surface.
This type of acne can only be treated with prescription medications.
Surprising Ways to Treat Acne
Having clear skin is something that can give a person confidence, help them to feel good about themselves, and feel comfortable out in the world.
Unfortunately, for almost 50 million Americans, acne is their reality.
While 95% of people will experience acne in their life at some point, many will grow out of it and not have to worry about it again.
But for those 50 million Americans, acne becomes a way of life, something they are forced to deal with as they try to find a cure.
Royalty Free Photo

Royalty Free Photo – Image/Shutterstock
Each year, Americans spend more than $1.4 billion on acne products in an effort to banish them, but that doesn’t guarantee they are able to get rid of their acne.
If you suffer from acne and are looking for solutions, here are three surprising ways you may be able to treat it.
Start Following a Keto Diet

Keto diet plan to treat acne – Image/Shutterstock
Most people are aware that what you eat affects your skin, but knowing that and then understanding what you should be eating are two different things.
One diet that is showing it may have a link to acne is the keto diet.
This diet is extremely high in fat, moderate in proteins, and very low in carbohydrates, which means very low in sugar.
There has been much research done on how high sugar and high glycaemic diets affect acne in a negative way and even increase the number of breakouts.
So, it makes sense that cutting these out of a diet can help to reduce acne.
If you plan to follow the keto diet, be sure to also check out the top MCT products in the market, which are medium-chain triglyceride (MCT)-based products meant to help provide lasting energy for your body.
Don’t Skip Out on Moisturizing

Moisturizer to balance out the oil production – Image/Shutterstock
Often, when people suffer from acne they feel they need to go light on the moisturizer or skip it altogether.
Oily skin is the culprit in acne, so many assume adding moisture means you’ll increase the oil on your skin.
Here’s the thing, when your skin is dry it produces even more oil.
In reality, you may just have dry skin that is over-producing oil.
By giving it the moisture it needs, you can help to balance out the oil production and cut down on the acne.
Just be sure when buying moisturizers, you stick to water-based products, in order to keep the oil production and hydration in balance.
Introduce Probiotics to Your Daily Routine

Probiotics helps to decrease acne breakouts – Image/Shutterstock
Another helpful product is probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria found in a variety of foods.
Instead of relying on foods to get enough though, you can take a daily supplement.
Probiotics help to prevent constipation, help with a person’s digestion, and balance out their PH level.
Balancing the PH level can result in a decrease in acne breakouts.
It Usually Takes a Combination of Techniques
While it would be great if there was one magic solution for all, unfortunately, there usually needs to be a bit of trial and error and a number of adjustments made in order to see those significant results you’re after.
The good news is that once you find what works for you, you’ll be on your way to healthier, clearer skin.
Do you know how to take care of acne-prone skin?
Some people have genetically oily skin.
Due to an excess of hormone, excess oil is produced within the pores.
Although all types of skin can develop pimples, oily skin is more likely to suffer from acne.
If you’re always fighting to keep acne away, then it’s a good thing that you came across this article.
Continue reading to find out what you can do to take care of your acne prone skin.
Follow these rules and you’ll be safe.
1. Invest in a quality cleanser

Cleanser to remove makeup dead skin cells and other types of pollutants – Image/Shutterstock
A facial cleanser removes makeup, dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and other types of contaminants.
Regular skin cleansing is essential to keep your skin looking wow and feeling healthy.
If you don’t wash your face after you come back home, you’re in deep trouble.
The dirt and oil need to be removed from the skin.
The clearer your skin is, the fewer chances are of your skin becoming irritated.
Gentle cleansing is just what the doctor ordered. Be very careful when selecting a facial cleanser.
What you need is something mild that doesn’t hurt the skin.
Since you have genetically oily skin, look for a product with salicylic acid.
Most importantly, don’t use the cleanser more than two times per day.
2. Try fulvic acid
Fulvic acid is nothing other than the compound that is found in the humus.
This organic acid has powerful antioxidant properties and can help you with your troubled skin. Fulvic minerals hydrate and rejuvenate the skin from the inside out.
To be more precise, immediate nourishment is delivered to the skin, detoxifying the skin cells and eliminating free radicals.
Fulvic acid skin care is different from what you’re used to.
For starters, it won’t remove the skin.
When you hear the word acid, you automatically think that your skin will be burnt. Nothing of the kind will happen, as the organic acid is gentle and delicate.
The best part is that it’s immediately absorbed into the skin.
Try fulvic acid in your smoothie. If you like it, you can move on to facial creams.
Related : Oatmeal Mask For Acne Scars: 12 Diy Masks To Treat Acne Scars And Blemishes
3. Wear an oil-free foundation

Foundation to cover flaws and to change the natural skintone – Image/Shutterstock
Women need to use lipstick, mascara, and foundation. Do they, really?
Women may not need all this to look beautiful, yet you’re not going to see one leaving the house without enhancing their appearance.
If you can’t let go of foundation, at least make sure that you’re utilizing an oil-free one.
An oil-free foundation contains salicylic acid[2], thus killing the bacteria that causes acne and helping control breakouts.
If you use any other kind of cosmetic products, your pores will get clogged and you’ll weak up with acne.
Choose the best foundation for your oily skin and leave the house feeling confident.
Your skin won’t shine anymore. Well, it will shine, but this time, it will look healthy.
4. Get enough sleep

Sleeping helps to reduce stress and improves your mood – Image/Shutterstock
If you aren’t getting enough ZZZs, then don’t be surprised that you’re having problems.
Sleep deprivation affects the skin, making it impossible for the skin cells to regenerate.
Get enough sleep. By that, it’s understood that you should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Go to bed earlier. You don’t need to see the latest episode of The Crown.
Related: How To Get Rid Of Depressed Acne Scars Quickly And Naturally
Que: How does acne affect the body?
Ans: People with severe acne may have large, painful lumps of pus. In mild and moderate acne, the skin usually recovers normally after pimples heal but in severe acne, the skin may be permanently scarred.
Que: What are the causes of acne?
Ans: Certain things may trigger acne:
- Hormonal changes
- Certain medication
- Diet
- Stress
Que: What is the difference of acne and pimples?
Ans: Pimples are a symptom of a condition, whereas acne is the condition itself.
Que: How can I stop acne on my face?
Ans: To stop acne on face
- Properly wash your face.
- Use a moisturizer.
- Use over-the-counter acne treatments.
- Stay hydrated.
- Limit makeup.
- Try not to touch your face.
- Limit sun exposure.
Acne can be very tricky. The solution boils down to basic health and hygiene though.
After all, acne is how your body excretes the impurities you put it through.
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