Having blotchy skin can be a nuisance.
I should know, I deal with it on a regular basis. However, there are ways that we can help to treat and even prevent the appearance of blotchy skin.
1. What is Blotchy Skin?

Blotchy Skin Is Skin Discolorations – Image/Shutterstock
Blotchy skin is any discolorations of the skin, redness pimples.
2. What Causes Blotchy Skin?
During different times of the year, especially if you live in a climate that has changed in the seasons, our skin reacts in different ways and can cause it to become blotchy.
So how do the seasons and their weather effect our skin?
1. Summer –

Summer Causes Blotchy Skin – Image/Shutterstock
When it is hot and humid, some of us suffer from heat rash.
Heat rash is when your skin gets red and has tiny clusters of little bumps.
They are sometimes itchy, and can even excrete a clear liquid.
If we leave these untreated, they can lead to blemishes or pimples.
Most of the time, this will appear on you face, neck or chest.
2. Winter –

Winter Causes Blotchy Skin – Image/Shutterstock
Strong Winds are all around us.
If you ever spend a lot of time outdoors in the Winter, or on a windy day, you may notice that your cheeks and nose can become very red.
This is because of the force of the wind drying out the oils in your face and making it become chapped.
3. Spring Time –

Spring Causes Blotchy Skin – Image/Shutterstock
Here comes the pollen! The pollen and allergens in the air are at their peak this time of the year.
Many of the different airborne allergens can cause our skin to become red and itchy.
It can even cause swelling reactions in some of us.
4. Fall-

Fall Causes Blotchy Skin – Image/Shutterstock
In the fall, as the leaves begin to change and fall, allergies are once again in full swing and may cause those reactions in the skin that are similar to the springtime reactions.
There are ways to treat weather-related blotchy skin.
For the allergy seasons, over-the-counter histamine can help to calm the skin’s reaction.
Wearing protective clothing can also help to protect the skin.
For example, you can wear a scarf or face hat in the winter to protect from windburn on your cheeks and nose.
Staying indoors when winds are high and the weather is very humid can help as well.
Of course, speaking to a dermatologist is always the first thing that you should do when you suffer from red blotchy skin.
This is to make sure that the reason you suffer from the condition isn’t more than a topical problem.
3. Symptoms of Blotchy Skin
Symptoms of blotchy skin can range from small clusters of bumps to severe redness and oozing sores.
It may appear as redness or chafed skin, or even as raised hives.
Whatever the symptoms may be, they shouldn’t be ignored. There are treatments available.
Let’s explore the types of blotchy skin a bit further.
4. Types of Blotchy Skin
There are other factors, besides the weather, that may be causing your skin to look blotchy.
Here is a list of reasons and possible solutions.
The last one may surprise you.

Stress Can Leads To Blotchy Skin – Image/Shutterstock
When our skin becomes stressed, it has a way of telling us that it needs help.
That way is by reacting with a rash or redness. We may even experience hives.
When this happens, you should seek immediate care from a doctor. Hives, can sometimes work their way through your system and go away on their own, but many times you will need medication to treat them.
Because hives can also be a reaction to food or environmental allergies, they can also be prevalent internally and can cause obstructions to your airway.
That is why you should also seek immediate emergency care when you see them appear.
Your doctor will probably give you a shot or dosage of histamine to help treat the hives.
Another sign of stress will be red blotchy marks on your chest or face.
Try to keep track of what is creating your stress and look for ways to avoid those situations, if possible.
Environmental Factors-
Certain ingredients in the products that we use can cause stress in our skin.
The ingredients in our perfumes, deodorants, and laundry detergents can cause our skin to become red and itchy.
Looking for unscented detergents and natural fragrances can help to prevent those breakouts.
You can even try essential oils instead of perfume.
It is all a matter of trial and error to see which products and fragrances are more acceptable to your skin.
Hormone Changes-

Hormonal Imbalance Makes Your Skin Blotchy – Image/Shutterstock
When we go through our hormonal changes from menstrual periods, pregnancy, or menopause, our skin begins to change, and things that never bothered our skin become nuisances to it.
This may be temporary, or sometimes permanent.
You can try an over the counter skin calming lotion or cream, or speak to a doctor if you need something stronger.
Many of us have reactions to different fragrances.
Usually the reaction is sneezing, headaches, or itchy red skin.
Becoming aware of the ingredients or scents, through skin testing or trial and error can help us become aware of the trigger fragrances.
You can also switch to fragrance-free or lighter fragrance products to help ease your discomfort.
You can also use a calming creamor lotion to help ease your skin.
Red wine-

Blotchy Skin Caused By Wine – Image/Shutterstock
Yes, wine can be a culprit in causing your skin to become red and blotchy.
Do you ever experience a red face after or during drinking alcoholic beverages?
Because of the sulfites in red wine and some alcohol, your skin can become red or irritated.
The sulfites are used to preserve the alcohol.
Unfortunately, sulfites also open small blood vessels and cause your skin to look red. Some other foods can cause the same effect.
This includes citrus fruits, hot sauces, and even caffeine.
Keep a food log so that you can pin point which foods are causing your skin to react.
Over exfoliating-
While exfoliating can be good for our skin, too much exfoliating can cause the skin to become redder and drier.
It can even make skin problems worse. It may even cause dark spots to appear.
5. How to treat Blotchy Skin/Treatments/Remedies/Solutions

Treat Your Blotchy Skin
By paying attention to your skin and treating it right away, you can help It to look and feel better.
Some blotchy skin, may not be preventable, but it can be eased.
There are many over-the-counter products to help your blotchy skin.
While some may not prevent your conditions, they can help to ease them until you can get to your dermatologist.
Staying out of the sun and applying cool compresses can also help to soothe some cases of blotchy skin.
Talk to your dermatologist about the best way to treat your blotchy skin, especially if you suffer from conditions, like hives, eczema, psoriasis, melasma, or are going through menopause.
They can help you find proper solutions to these more severe blotchy skin conditions.
Que: How to fix blotchy skin on face?
Ans: Try using a day cream and night cream. Along with this, ensure skin maintains hydration by drinking enough water throughout the day.
Que: What causes blotchy skin on face?
Ans: The skin inflammation and redness lead to a blotchy appearance. This change in color is due to sun damage to the skin. Excessive sun exposure without UV protection damages the skin cells.
Que: How to get rid of blotchy skin on arms?
Ans: To get rid of small bumps on arms naturally
- Run a bath.
- Exfoliate weekly.
- Moisturize daily.
- Increase your water intake.
- Consider an elimination diet.
- Avoid tight clothes.
- Use a humidifier.
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