Aside from wrinkles and fine lines, cellulite has also been among the common skin problems on the face.
Because of this, many women and even men are scrambling to find quick and long-lasting facial cellulite treatment.
But who am I to blame them? If my face looks like it has cellulite, I would also do the same.
Fortunately, there are already many simple facial cellulite treatments available today.
What’s surprising is that your diet could be affecting the severity and appearance of cellulite.
Keep reading to find out more about facial cellulite and the best ways to get rid of cellulite fast!
What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite – Image/Shutterstock
Cellulite can be defined as the presence of fat deposits in tissues located underneath the skin.
This gives your skin a textured, uneven, or dimpled appearance that can be bothersome and may affect your self-esteem.
Cellulite only typically appears on the thighs and butts or the hips and abdomen, usually in women past puberty.
In some cases, people suffer from cellulite on the face, such as around the neck and the jawline.
Based on studies and reports from dermatologists, the condition affects mostly women, and about 90% to 95% of them have some kind of cellulite at least one point in their lives.
But Why Are Women More Prone To Cellulite?:
- The female hormone estrogen causes the enlargement of fat cells as well as increases fat deposition, especially on the breasts, hips, thighs, and butt. Progesterone [2], another female hormone, also encourage weight gain that can weaken the veins and increase fluid retention in the skin.
- Women’s skin structures like the connective tissues are also thinner and more sensitive.
- This lowers their ability to maintain a uniformly smooth texture, making the skin more prone to fat contours and cellulite.
- Female subcutaneous[3] layers, or the fatty layers under the skin, are also different from those of males.
- The structures of the connective tissues that separate fat cell deposits in women are mesh-like, while those in men are linear and smooth.
- When portions of this subcutaneous layer connective tissues weaken, they can cause crumpling, folding, or bulging of the skin and fat tissues.
- This also increases fluid retention.
- Genes determine and dictate how all of the structures in the body form, develop, and function.
- Therefore, they also contribute to women’s susceptibility to cellulite.
Causes and Symptoms of Cellulite:
Cellulite can range from mild to severe and is therefore indicated by different signs and symptoms including:
- Cellulite causes skin areas to resemble the texture of orange peel or cottage cheese, especially in the hips, thighs, stomach, butt, upper arms, breast, neck and back.
- In mild cases, dimpled skin that appears only when pinched.
- Thickened skin.
- Skin that feels cool to the touch.
- Ruptured blood vessels.
- When severe, unusually excessive bruising and heightened skin sensitivity may occur.
- Swelling, itching, redness, and inflammation of the skin that can indicate more serious conditions.
The exact cause of cellulite is still not clear, but experts believe that the following causes or a combination of two or more of them may contribute to cellulite development:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Certain types of clothing.
- Lifestyle choices such as drinking and smoking that accelerate skin aging and breakdown of supportive connective tissues.
- An unhealthy, high-calorie diet.
- Hormonal function.
- Weight gain.
- Water retention.
- Lack of lymph and blood flow.
5 Facial Cellulite Treatment Methods
Cellulite is very hard to treat once it has already formed, even when you’re skinny. However, there are options to help you reduce and remove cellulite.
1. Endermologie

Endermologie To Treat Facial Cellulite – Image/Shutterstock
This is a procedure that can be offered in spas involving massaging or kneading of the skin using a rolling suction device.
It is intended to improve circulation and stimulate collagen production to reduce cellulite.
Each session costs about $50 to $150, and the results may take a few months to be apparent.
According to Dr. V. Leroy Young, chairman of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s (ASAPS) nonsurgical procedures committee, the device used for endermologie works by sucking up an inch of the skin between rollers, squeezing it to increase circulation.
2. Laser-assisted Liposuction
This procedure, also known as smart lipo, is one recommended way how to get rid of chin cellulite.
It can help remove cellulite chin or jaw by inserting a laser fiber beneath the skin and incinerating fat.
Then, a cannula sucks out the melted fat.
This usually takes about two hours, and soreness is experienced a few days after.
The price can also be as high as $5000, but the results may last for up to six years.
3. Surgery

Facial Cellulite Can Be Treated By Surgery – Image/Shutterstock
This is usually done using a pickle-fork-like instrument and sticking it under the skin to cut the cords that cause cellulite.
Then, a small amount of fat is injected to fill up the depressions and prevent the cords from growing back.
According to Dr. Peter B. Fodor, ASAPS president, this technique is not that great but it the best thing they have so far when it comes to surgery.
Therefore, he only recommends surgery for spot treatments left after liposuction and deepest dents.
4. Topical Skin Firmers
These target collagen buildup to diminish wrinkles and bumps.
Ingredients like coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, and retinol are common in cellulite creams.
Some also include moisturizers like alginic acid and carrageenan that help draw water into cellulite-prone skin to fill the ridges and bumps and even out the surface.
5. Cellulite Removal Exercises

Cellulite Removal Exercises – Image/Shutterstock
Aside from cardio exercises that are known to help remove calories and stored fat, other forms of exercise like strength training, pilates, and yoga for cellulite.
Dr. Leslie Baumann, a dermatology professor at the University of Miami School of Medicine, says that mild cellulite can be improved or removed through workouts.
Strengthening and stretching the muscles help iron out skin unevenness and dimples.
Aside from ways to remove cellulite face, ride a bike to remove cellulite on your thighs and butt.
Que: How do you get cellulite off your face?
Ans: Proper use of medications and creams will get cellulite off your face. Caffeine dehydrates cells, making them less visible. Retinol may reduce the appearance of cellulite by thickening the skin. At least 6 months’ use is needed to see results.
Que: Can apple cider vinegar get rid of cellulite?
Ans: Apple cider vinegar can work wonders to reduce cellulite around the thighs and hips.
Que: What is the most effective treatment for cellulite?
Ans: Cellfina is the most effective way to reduce your cellulite and achieve smoother, more attractive skin.
Related Post: My Cellulite Solution Reviews
Facial cellulite treatment methods vary greatly regarding the procedure, effectivity, and cost.
So, to make the most of your cellulite removal plan and avoid worsening possible medical conditions, consult your physician first before following these tips or starting any treatments.
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