High cheekbones, long eyelashes, heart-shaped lips — everybody’s got an ideal set of standards when it comes to what’s beautiful.
Just like when it comes to skin color, the Caucasians like it tan while the Asians like it fair and flawless white.
Are downturned eyes attractive?
However, the way you answer will be highly subjective. If you’re the one with this type of eye shape, however, you need to feel helpless if you don’t like the way your eyes are slanting downwards because there are easy ways to use makeup for downturned eyes.
What Are Downturned Eyes?
Marilyn Monroe, Eva Green, and Katy Perry are just three of the most gorgeous celebrities with downturned eyes.
That leaves no doubt that you don’t have to make yourself suffer thinking always that you got an ugly pair of eyes.
How Do You Know What Eye Shape You Have?
Here are five of the most common types of eye shape to give you a quick guide:
1. Almond eyes
These are perhaps the most evenly structured, most proportional set of eyes.
With almond eyes, correcting your eye shape is never necessary.
Celebrities that have almond eyes include Jennifer Garner[1] and Angelina Jolie[2].

Almond Eyes – Image/Shutterstock
2. Deep Set Eyes
These are dreamy-looking eyes and generally do not need any special treatment either, except when a brighter, more opened-up eye area is desired.
Taylor Swift and Penelope Cruz are two great-looking celebrities who own this particular eye set.
3. Monolid Eyes
When your eyelids are not defined by a crease, you can benefit from learning makeup techniques that create a gradient on your eyes, such as this Cranberry Eye Makeup Tutorial.
Those who have Chinese descent or predominantly Chinese features, like Michelle Yeoh and Sandra Oh, will normally have monolid eyes.
4. Protruding Eyes
These are eyes that appear larger than normal.
If you have eyes like those of Dakota Fanning and Nicole Richie, you will benefit from learning how to apply smokey eye makeup.
This eye makeup creates an illusion of deep-set eyes which counters the enlarged appearance of protruding eyes in the same way that smokey eye application techniques also serve as makeup tips for downturned eyes[3].
5. Downturned Eyes
When you have eyes that slightly slant down on the outer corners of your eyes, you need to learn makeup for downturned eyes.
Downturned eyes makeup tutorial will help you level off your inner and outer eye areas to relieve your eyes of the naturally sad, sleepy features of downturned eyes.
How To Apply Makeup According to Eye Shape: Downturned Eyes?
You don’t really require expensive, top liquid eyeliners to pull off an eye brightening makeup to improve the appearance of your downturned eyes. Here is a simple 7-Step Downturned Eyes Makeup Tips that you can follow every single day:
Step 1: Start with a clean, clear, and fresh canvas

Use Clean, Clear and Fresh Canvas – Image/Shutterstock
Take the time to rid skin around your eyes of impurities, including product residues.
Use a cleanser and toner that best suits your skin type.
Clearing your eye skin alone will instantly brighten your eyes.
Step 2: Treat your eye skin.

Treat Your Eye Skin – Image/Shutterstock
There are instant and long-term reasons why good eye cream is important.
A good product will cause your eye skin to become plumper, practically smoothening out fine lines and wrinkles to give your eyes a refreshed appearance.
Over the longer term, a well-formulated eye cream should also make your delicate eye skin thicker, appear youthful, and more resilient to damage and aging.
Keeping your eyes treated is also one way to reduce puffy eyes.
Step 3: Correct and Conceal

Correct And Conceal – Image/Shutterstock
Even out your eye skin tone using the right combination of shades from your foundation and concealer.
Use concealer shades that will help neutralize the imperfect spots and patches on skin around your eyes.
Getting this step right should already give you eyes that are brighter, appear livelier, and more open up.
Step 4: Wing your eye lines

Wing Your Eye Lines With Makeup For Downturned Eyes – Image/Shutterstock
Winged corners using no-smudge eyeliner for downturned eyes will be your key companion in giving those downward sloping eye shapes an instant lift — no surgery necessary.
To create a winged eye line that works for your downturned eyes, simply line your bottom eyelids starting from the middle part then lining up towards the corner of your eyes.
Once done, run your eyeliner over either the half or the entire length of your upper eyelids to meet the line you drew from the bottom eyelid.
Fill in the triangle that forms on the outer corner of your eyes.
Step 5: Use eyeshadow to lift your eyes some more

Use Eyeshadow Makeup To Lift Your Downturned Eyes – Image/Shutterstock
How to apply eyeshadow to downturned eyes?
Create a gradient with an upwards stroke for an even more improved eye definition. For daytime wear, stick to nude mattes. For nighttime makeup, you can follow smokey eyes to create a superb definition and upward sloping corners for your eyes.
Step 6: Use a Mascara.

Use a Mascara Makeup For Downturned Eyes – Image/Shutterstock
Draw attention away from the hanging edges of your downturned eyes by applying mascara to the inner part of your eyes.
One technique that you can follow for either daytime or nighttime makeup wear is to use mascara from a fourth up to half of your upper eyelid then, leave your eyeshadow to cover the rest of your eyes towards the outer corners.
Step 7: Curl up your eyelashes

Curl Up Your Eyelashes Of Downturned Eyes – Image/Shutterstock
Take the time to define your eyelashes.
However, because you have downturned eyes that already look sad and tired, don’t aggravate further by making your eyelashes appear full, thick, and heavy.
Apply just the right amount of mascara to define but not exactly to volumize your eyelashes.
If you already have long and thick eyelashes, you might want to opt to wear just a colorless lash primer instead.
Que: Are Downturned Eyes Attractive?
Ans: Yes, Downturned Eyes are sO beautiful, Downturned eyes are usually almond-shaped.
Que: How to Lift Downturned Eyes Naturally?
Ans: Before you apply the eyeliner, look at how the eyelids sit in their natural position, then carefully draw the line and follow the eye shape.
Que: How to fix Down turned Eyes?
Ans: Draw a line from your lower lashline to where your upper lid ends and towards the end of your brow.
Que : What Is the Best Way to Apply Eyeshadow for Hooded Eyes?
Ans : When applying eyeshadow to hooded eyes, you want to stare forward because if you look down or do anything else, you won’t notice the result when the eyes are open. So always attempt to look forward. Finish the look by applying color to the whole lid (not just the crease) using a flat brush, then buffing away any sharp lines of pigmentation with a fluffy, dome-shaped eyeshadow brush.
Que : How to Apply Eyeliner for Round Eyes Professionally?
Ans : Start at the outside corner with an angled brush and cream eyeshadow or liner, then draw at a downward slant toward the outer corner of the eye. Apply the liner inwards, finishing at the middle of the lid, where your pupil is when you stare straight ahead.
Que : How Do You Apply Eyeliner for Downturned Eyes?
Ans : Try a cat-eye appearance by ‘lifting’ the corner of your eyes with a pencil or gel liner. This helps to define your lashes by making your eyes appear larger. Simply smoke out the ends by merging the color, and you’re done!
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Downturned eyes can be the greatest looking eyes you could ever wear — after all, they’re yours and they’re irreplaceable.
All it takes is just a quick mastery of the makeup techniques that will help you wear your downturned eyes brighter, lighter, and happier.