Wrinkles are a part of life and the natural aging process. However, this does not make them any more acceptable and less pesky.
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid and treat wrinkles.
The first step in doing so is understanding the nature, causes, and types of wrinkles.
To start off, there are two kinds of wrinkles: static and dynamic.
Find out more about the main difference between the two, the root cause, treatment, and prevention of dynamic wrinkles by reading through this article!
What Are Dynamic Wrinkles?

Dynamic Wrinkles – Image/Shutterstock
Facial wrinkles are dynamic or static. Static lines are visible even when the face is at rest or when the facial muscles are relaxed.
These are frequently found as wrinkles around eyes, Forehead wrinkle, or nasolabial folds[1].
Dynamic wrinkles, the main focus of this post, on the other hand, are contributory to static wrinkles.
They are lines on the skin that show up only when the face contorts to different facial expressions.
As we grow older, our skin loses its elasticity or the ability to spring back to its original state as collagen supplies diminish.
Collagen is the protein that keeps the skin tight, firm, and smooth.
Therefore, the lines formed after frowning or smiling become permanent as static wrinkles.
Furthermore, each facial expression is created by a combination of the thirty different muscles on the various areas of the face.
When you frown or smile, the area around these muscles forms ridges or depressions on the skin.
For example, the skin around the eyes wrinkles when you smile while dynamic lines on the forehead and between the brows become noticeable.
Some muscles also move more than others, such as the ones around the mouth, forehead, and eyes.
Because of this, we are more likely to get dynamic wrinkles in these areas including crow’s feet.
Causes of Dynamic Wrinkles:
Here are some causes of these wrinkles:
Facial Expressions:
Dynamic wrinkles are caused by repetitive facial expressions and movements like furrowing the brow, frowning, grimacing, smiling, or squinting[2].
They can also form around the eyes due to squinting under the sun or around the mouth because of years of smoking cigarettes.
When your skin stretches while doing these expressions, it normally comes back if you are young.
This is because of the proteins elastin and collagen that enable the skin to be elastic enough to bounce back.
As you grow older, decreasing turnover rates and the production of these proteins cause deeper, more prominent dynamic wrinkles that can eventually become more permanent static wrinkles.
Lifestyle Choices:
However, young people could also experience something called premature wrinkle formation due to lifestyle choices or conditions that hasten the aging process of the skin.
Years of facial movements, natural aging, and static forces like gravity contribute to dynamic wrinkle formation.
How to Get Rid of Dynamic Wrinkles?
There are many ways to treat dynamic wrinkles.
These include chemical peels, lasers, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, topical creams and lotions, fillers, and Botox injections.
According to Dr. Patrick Flaharty, a facial cosmetic surgeon and specialist at the Azul Cosmetic Surgery and Medical Spa and author of “Look Younger Now: Fillers, Face Lifts and Everything in Between”, the right treatment method generally depends on the type and severity of the wrinkles, your personal preference, the treatment goal, and other personal factors.
Effective topical lotions and Deep wrinkle creams contain one of the several forms of retinoic acid such as vitamin A, or Retin A.
These substances reduce wrinkles by encouraging faster skin cell renewal rates, smoothening out the skin surface, and reducing the pore size.
Retinoic acid also helps in collagen production underneath the skin in order to replace the supplies that are lost as you age.
Topical Retin A is prescribed in different formulations, doses, and strengths.
Vitamin A, on the other hand, is weaker in effect and can be seen in many over-the-counter beauty and skincare products.
Dr. Flaharty also explained how other methods help in reducing wrinkles.
He said that removing the outermost skin layers helps reveal and regain smoother, younger-looking skin underneath.
This is done with different tools and methods such as dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing, and chemical peels.
- Chemical peels scrape off the top skin layer and stimulate the formation of new skin cells and collagen.
- They work best for mild to moderate wrinkling, and the strength can be manipulated.
- Microdermabrasion is another procedure that helps against mild wrinkling while surgical dermabrasion is used to treat more severe wrinkles such as those usually found around the mouth.
- Laser treatment can also be performed for moderate to severe wrinkling.
- It can either be non-ablative, ablative or a combination of both.
- Ablative lasers abrade or damage the top skin layer while non-ablative lasers cause minimal to no damage.
- Non-ablative lasers heat up the lower skin layers in order to stimulate collagen production.
- Collagen then eliminates wrinkles by plumping the skin.
- Ablative laser treatments like CO2, erbium, or fractional laser work by dissolving the skin on top and replacing this with a fresh skin layer.
- These require some recovery time but are more effective in reversing severe wrinkling and sun damage.
- Dermal fillers are more effective against static wrinkles by plumping the tissues and replacing the skin’s lost volume.
- There are two types of fillers used: a thinner one to fill finer lines and a thicker filler to replace lost volume along the cheekbone area.
- Dr. Bryan K. Chen, a San Diego dermatologist, adds that thin fillers like Restylane help replace the fat loss in the lower lids that make the wrinkles here more prominent.
- Lastly, botox is considered to be the Best Treatment for Dynamic Wrinkles.
- Botox treatments, an instant wrinkle eraser, involve injecting neurotoxic proteins from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.
- Botox takes about a couple of weeks to take effect and lasts for about three to five months or six to nine months.
According to Brent Moelleken, M.D., a Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon, Botox is also the easiest solution for dynamic wrinkles. Dr. Chen also adds that Botox alone is highly effective for dynamic rhytids on the lower lids.
- Another method very similar to Botox called Purtox uses a different botulinum toxin.
- This is administrated by plastic surgeons on patients who are allergic to the substance used in Botox procedures.
- Dysport injections also use a toxin that elicits similar results.
- However, the effects manifest sooner than Botox and spread out more into the muscles for a fuller effect.
How to Prevent Dynamic Wrinkles?
You can only surely avoid Dynamic Wrinkles through refraining or limiting your facial muscular movements. Meaning, you won’t smile, frown, or laugh, which is extremely difficult.
However, not smoking and not using a straw frequently can significantly help in preventing frowns and lip lines.
Botox can also be done as a preventive measure against wrinkles by safely blocking the receptors and nerves of the facial muscles.
Using a good face moisturizer and having a nice skincare routine to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized are also believed to be effective in preventing wrinkles.
Creams and lotions with retinoids are good examples. However, it is worth noting that this is considered as one of the myths about wrinkles by some experts.
Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and drinking enough water daily can also slow down the aging process and keep you looking young longer.
Staying hydrated helps avoid Dehydration wrinkles.
Your sleeping position could also be the main cause of your wrinkles.
When you rest your face on your pillow similarly every night for years, your skin is stretched, making it more prone to sleep lines or wrinkles.
The skin may also crumble in some positions. These wrinkles may eventually become permanent after some time.
So, avoid sleeping on your sides or with your face pressed down on your pillow and sleep on your back instead.
Speaking of sleep, lack of it can also make your skin age faster.
So, avoid stress and renew your skin by trying to get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night.
According to WebMD, facial creams with turmeric help erase fine lines and age spots by acting as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and reduces swelling.
You can also Prevent wrinkles and premature aging by staying out of the sun.
Based on studies, cigarette smoking and sun exposure increase the chance of developing wrinkles by ten times.
If you can’t completely avoid the sun, wear a sunscreen product with at least an SPF 30.
Also, make sure to wear sunglasses or shades to avoid squinting and developing crow’s feet or Dynamic wrinkles under the eyes.
Dermatologists also suggest using anti-aging products in your 30’s rather than your 20’s in order for them to actually have an effect.

Freezing Away Your Wrinkles – Image/Shutterstock
Dynamic wrinkles are normal and are a result of aging, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Although they are temporary, they do develop into more permanent static wrinkles.
Thankfully, many treatment options are available today.
If you follow the prevention tips as early as possible, you probably won’t even need any treatment for your wrinkles.
By taking care of yourself and leading a healthy lifestyle, you will have a youthful, wrinkle-free complexion longer.
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Que: Can dynamic wrinkles go away?
Ans: Dynamic wrinkles fade as quickly as they appear.
Que: Can static wrinkles go away?
Ans: Static Wrinkles never go away.
Que: How do I get rid of deep wrinkles under my eyes?
Ans: Try facial exercises to tighten skin, Treat your allergies, Moisturize with an eye cream, Eat a balanced diet, Avoid sun exposure.
Que: Does everyone have dynamic wrinkles?
Ans: Dynamic wrinkles happen at all ages even kids can have dynamic wrinkles. These are temporary.